Monday, March 30, 2009

Prayer answered...

You know sometimes you feel like ur life is unfair because you don't something that you wanted or what you wished for....let me give you 1 advise..this is a real thing ok..i aint lying bout this or bragging or whatsoever but there is one person out there who loves you..that is G.O.D If some of you might not a guitar fanatic..wanted to get an electric guitar but was not granted for it due to some ''problems''..anyway..beg my parents for it...nope...told i would be a good boy (so not gonna happen)..nope...told them i gonna study yea...tried almost everything a spoilt brat would yea...still zero you know..being a spoilt brat..i asked God for an electric guitar..for those unbelievers out there...u might laugh at this...

'' you're God gonna throw an electric guitar out from heaven???""

''yea if that gonna happen lah''

''you sure or not????....""

yea..that are some the things that u might say...but i know throwing a guitar out from heaven is not gonna if...takkan a Dhl plane sending an electric guitar to some other country because of shipping will drop out from their cargo plane???haha...that might work...but logically that would be like one in a zillion..anyway after i prayed i got this from the bible....maybe God is trying to tell me something here...

So if you claim that God's promise is for those who obey God's law and think they are good enough in God's sight , then you are saying that faith is useless.and in that case , the promise is meaningless.But the law brings punishment on those who try to obey it.the only way to avoid breaking law is to have no LAW to break!!!!so that's why faith is the key!God's promise is given to us as a free gift.and we are certain to receive it. Romans 4:14-16

for some of you , you might say its irrelevant to my situation...but God did answered my prayer...i got my electric guitar!!!though its from my own money...but its worth every penny that i have, i still get 50-50 happiness la...hahaha...because i never expect my parents would even let me to withdraw money out of my bank those people out there trust God and you will surely be bless...but 1 thing for not think that you could ask anything from God and you will get it because there are things good and bad for you know the drill..hahaha..lets cut this and head over to see my new baby!!..hahah

nice eh??jealous???

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